Phenomenal Abdominals

Hey!!  Are you back to see whether I survived my Wednesday and Friday fitness classes? I DID!!

Each day features a different aerobic workout, but the support and motivation is awesome.

The instructor Wednesday was really upbeat and focused. She kept incorporating the phrase “phenomenal abdominals” in her encouraging instructions, as she coached us to keep our core tight – which I thought was fabulous! Lifting was the theme, however cardio and mat work was incorporated – I’m feeling the difference!

After the workout I asked how to improve the pain in my feet when balancing on one foot. She told me to keep my toes up and the pressure will be more balanced across my foot and when you’re doing exercises that you need to keep your knees behind your toes – it really helps! I was excited to learn this trick!

Today our class was on Step Aerobics! Ba ha ha…I’m working on becoming “more balanced” – the real truth is I’m quite a klutz and grace could easily be my middle name! (oh – 2 good stories on both of those that I’ll have to share – I’ve had quite a few broken limbs and have 2 wild middle names!! back to the story of the day…) Just before 12noon, I emailed my friend to see if she was “going” to the class today and she replied “Yes – it’s step – COME” – oh man – the vision of divas doing step class was flying through my mind and I was looking for excuses to skip out of it – I’ll be honest! I’m not perfect, but I remembered my friend Sara’s line – “I’m going to look all hot and thin” – so off I went! Thanks for getting me out of seat Nicky!! After our step routine, we winded down with a few core strengthening moves. Our instructor told us to get into the “Earthquake Zone” – referring to the position that you’re abs start shaking you’re focusing on that area of your body so much! I just love these new “terms” I’ve learned this week!

I’m really glad I attended my class, even though I was the only beginner in my class, the instructor told me after that I picked up the moves much quicker than most! Watch out now…a little recognition and I’m fueled for next time ;)

I’m now done my first 3 group fitness classes and I am VERY excited – I have more energy and feel great about how my body is toning up! I hope that if you’re working on weight loss and management goals – to get involved in a group exercise program, because I  know from experience that me and a gym card in hand aren’t enough to get me excited!

Hope you have an AMAZING weekend – hope the sun shines where you are! Here’s to “Phenomenal Abdominals” and the “Earthquake Zone” . My husband is coming home – the first time in 6 weeks – I don’t plan to be near my computer ;) Cheers!


  1. Congrats Robyn!! You have been doing awesome! I really enjoy your new “terms”! It’s taken me a really long time…but since I don’t (and never have) live anywhere near a gym or anywhere that does any group fitness activities, I have had to motivate myself in 2009! I have a work-out video I use and I have developed my own weekly fitness routine and it feels great to get my body in shape! However I have never learned the trick about keeping your toes up while balancing – I can’t wait to try that as I do lots of excercises where my knees have to stay behind my toes! Thanks and keep up the great work!! I love hearing about other people’s adventures with keeping fit – helps keep me motivated!

  2. You are so amazing Shari – I’m very impressed by how disciplined you are – congrats!! Best of luck with your fitness goals – thanks for sharing your success – helps keep me going too! Here’s to an fantabulous week!!

  3. Hi Robyn! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment! I love when that happens. I don’t know if my story is amazing or not… it’s just real life as it happens to me! We live each day to the fullest possible and recongnize them as gifts! Glad you liked my pics, too!


  4. Thanks for coming back to visit me Suzanne! Your story is real and you empower women by sharing with others. Good luck! Have an amazing week!

  5. Hey Robyn!! I tried the toe trick the other night when doing some exercises that required the knees behind the toes, and it really does help! Thanks for the tip :)

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