Swept off my feet by a Texan

Two and a half years ago, I married my amazing husband! I was inspired to write about our courtship and love story, as I’ve been getting my small doses of a Harlequin romance, reading The Pioneer Woman‘s: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels blog. I hope you have fun hearing about our adventures!

It was a crisp August morning and my new red Grand Am was packed for Texas! It was the beginning of the rest of my life as I’d ever known it. I was headed to finish my degree – complete my final two years of post secondary school, compete on the Livestock Judging team, and find me a Texan!

I grew up on a ranch in Alberta and had just finished two years studying in Kansas. I was having the time of my life and was excited to start this new chapter of my life in the Lone Star State!

I’ve always been very outgoing and had a huge, fabulous network of friends and family surrounding me. I had so many amazing guys in my life; my friendship with all of them was and still is very important.  When I was packing for Texas, I was dreaming about the rest of my life. It was exciting to think of who God had in mind for me to marry one day and if I already knew that person or if I might meet them while on this new adventure.

In my mind, I was on a quest to find my prince charming, be swept off my feet, to spend the rest of my life with. I am not to be confused with those divas that go to college to become a Mrs!! Ha ha…I was very career focused, had Graduate school in the back of my mind, and was looking for someone to challenge me to tackle the world! I knew that everything happened when it was supposed to and life was a journey.

Of course, I was imagining a life on a big ranch in the states, with cattle, horses and acres of land. I pictured myself as a successful business woman working from home and having a lot of children.

I envisioned a strong, stout man that reminded me of how a Steer Wrestler is built (That is a sport in rodeo, if you’re not familiar with this description – broad shoulders, thick, well muscled guy) (If you’re into showing cattle, you’ll appreciate that I was looking for a perfect show steer – that was the picture I had a snapshot of!). The ideal characteristics I was on a quest for made up a long list! Yes, start laughing with me – not at; you know what I’m referring to! We all have these in our mind, ok; maybe we have them written down also!! As you know, your ideal has a better chance of coming true if it is a written down goal!

In the middle of August, on a beautiful brisk summer day, my mother and I started our journey (oh the story of my Red Grand Am – another story on its own!) and drove to Texas. We arrived about 10 days before class started as I needed to get moved in, attend University orientation, and start working out (practicing!) with my Livestock Judging team.

One evening, my Mom and I arrived at my coach’s house for supper to meet the team. I had absolutely NO idea that would be the day; I would first lay eyes on my husband to be!

I can vividly remember what he looked like that day. I met a clean cut, muscular man, with a tanned glow. His short military hair cut and clean shaven face highlighted his baby face. He was wearing a light blue polo shirt that accentuated his toned upper body. Texas cowboy heavy (for those of you that know their starch – this pair was done real well!) starched jeans completed his outfit. It was my kind of eye candy! Everyone knows their type and this was indeed a picture God wanted me to remember!

To be continued…

Happily Married and Living with Passion,
