Summer Reading

My phenomenally motivated friend Tiffany just finished Law School and for over 2 months, has been studying for her Bar Exam. After she writes it next week, she’s going on her dream trip to Europe! She sent an email to a few friends for book suggestions.

My reply was:

Depends on what you’re looking for. I read a lot of inspirational self help/improvement books:
The Go-Giver by Bob Burg (quick, good read)
The Success Principles by Jack Canfield (thicker- but awesome)
For fun:
The Five People You Meet in Heaven (think that’s what its called – red/white cover)
Shopoholic Books – got hooked to the first one and then got tired of them – but it was a fun, light read!

My friend Kristin, living in Illinois replied:

Because I think after all that studying you should read nothing but trash…

I’d recommend using the tabs at the top and just picking the 5 star stuff or any area you are interested in (i.e. inspirational, working girl). From those areas you get some good books… and not like the Fabio, trashy stuff… just books about women that seriously you just can’t put down. It makes you feel worthless and brain dead… but oh so entertained!

I liked the site and wanted to pass the referral onto you!

Chick Lit Books

What awesome books do YOU recommend?


  1. I’ve never been on someone’s blog before!! :) I got a couple books……Dead Man Walking by Sister Helen Prejean. You probably saw the movie with Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon,but you should read the book. I’m about 1/2 way through and it’s really moving. Also bought Annie Freeman’s Fabulous Traveling Funeral. I’ve only just started, but if nothing else, I think the idea is phenominal and interesting.

  2. I’m glad I could bless you with a “first” in your life!! Thanks for your awesome suggestions. Congrats on graduating with your Law degree Tiffany, I’m SO proud of you. Thanks for following my blog.

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