Summer Project :: In Progress

UPDATE – Here is the Summer Project :: FINISHED!


So here I sit after the magical month of July, facing reality! Needing to attack my Summer Project list.

#1 – Clean sweep and organize my collection under the stairs in our basement

It looks worse than it is, I’m convinced.

I kicked off this action item last night, by committing to 30 minutes to get started.

First order of business – remove everything!

Wow – much better energy. I swept the floor and then turned around.

Now, I’m left with these piles of excitement.

John bet me that the disaster will still be in the middle of the basement when he gets home…in a week.

I bet him that he was WRONG! Yikes…

As you may be able to tell, I’m procrastinating from doing my 30 minutes tonight…here I sit…blogging!

However, in order to win this…I need to get off my booty.

I WILL win this. I will…I will.. (just practicing my self talk)

Off to sort,

P.S. Anyone want to come over and help?? It’ll be fun… The fridge is stocked with cold ones AND I have Rhubarb Slush waiting for your arrival! My sweet hubby also insisted I be left with lots of groceries to ensure I actually ate real food, so I didn’t resort to eating cooking for one (Bach”ette”ing It) meals – so I’ll cook for you. He he…


  1. OOO Robyn! I love this post! I’ve been having guilt over my several rooms that look like that so glad to know I’m not the only one! Too bad we didn’t live closer so we could attack these fun chores together and make it more interesting!!! Good luck on yours!!

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