Stampede Bound

Hi!! Hope your weekend was amazing. I was able to catch up on some much needed rest and stay close to home – I didn’t leave our yard once. I was physically and mentally preparing for an exciting 12 day stint!

Tomorrow afternoon, I’m driving north for the Calgary Stampede! This will be my 6th year working for the Agriculture department over the 10 days.


For the past 5 years, I have taken on various contracts as an Event Planner, Facility Coordinator, and doing Research & Development for new programs at the Calgary Stampede.  Despite the world renown fair being most recognized for the 10 day festival, there is also lots of planning done for Here. All Year. programs also.


This year I have a few duties. I’ll kick off the week as a Facility Coordinator, focusing mainly on the Saddledome. While answering phone calls and replying to inquires for the 2009 Calgary Stampede Farm Tour.  I’ve been planning this experience from home for a few months and will see that through during the final weekend.


I started packing this weekend and getting organized. I’ll spend 12+ hour days on my feet, in the heat and on cement. I learned a very wise lesson my first year, from one of my mentors, the late Don Stewart. He encouraged us to change our shoes AND socks multiple times in a day. This amazing advice has saved my feet from many blisters.

If you’re going to take in the Calgary Stampede – please let me know – would love to see your smiling face, even if its just for a minute.


P.S. If you’re on Twitter – check out @calgarystampede @hereallyear @stampedeagmedia


  1. Robyn enjoy Stampede and have a cool one for our good friend Don. It won’t be the same without him. My last good visit with him was a the steer show last year. “All will be well”

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