Olympic Torch

We just got back from seeing the Olympic torch in southern Alberta!! I forgot that it was going through our town today and when I realized it – we still had time to get into Lethbridge to see it. We spontaneously jumped in the car and chased down the torch on the route (John just loves when I do this – he he)!

I had tears in my eyes – I was so proud! He he…I cry for all occasions – happiness, sad – you name it – it comes very naturally for me, it’s genetic. I believe today it was a combination of – I may never seen something like it again – in Alberta OR my lifetime (never know what the future holds) AND that the Olympics are back on our homeland!

I recently learned from my American husband – that no Canadian has ever won a Gold medal while the Olympics have been in Canada. I haven’t researched the validity of this statement – but since he’s a pretty smart and resourceful guy – I just hope that Canada can break that record this year!

I’m really happy that we got to witness the running of the torch through our community.

The official 2010 Winter Olympics website is fabulous. I loved using the Torch Relay Interactive Map for detailed information on where the torch was “live” and what time it was expected in certain places.

Canadian followersDid you see the Olympic torch – when it was close to you??


  1. Hi Robyn
    So great that you got to see the torch. It makes us Canadian get patriotic. Something we should do more often. I have to say that John is right. Canada has never won gold when we were the hosts. I think we might just do it with our hockey, or curling teams. As well as Melissa Hollingsworth. Check out her cool sledding helmet. It has picutres of rodeo events on it. Go Canada Go

  2. Rob, My mom and I seen it in Red Deer on Friday night!! I loved it, I have never seen Canadians so patriotic! It was an amazing experience, I’ll post my pictures once my mom emails them to me!!

  3. Great blog! I love the Olympics! I saw a cauldrit lit from the actual torch at the Olympic Museum and it’s an amazing feeling to see something that started so many years ago!

  4. I’m glad you got to see it Justine – fun date with your Mom! Tiffany – what a cool experience – thanks for sharing.

  5. My Mom and I went to see the Olympic torch when it came through Brandon, MB and it was SO exciting! The atmosphere was nothing short of energetic and patriotic! There were THOUSANDS of people packed in the “Manitoba Room” at the Keystone Center in Brandon (it had to be moved indoors due to the severely cold temperatures). We heard Manitoba native Amanda Stott sing a song she wrote just for the Olympics – she was amazing! We loved all of the performances. I was so proud of our country and we were pumped that we got to experience something we may never get an opportunity to do again!
    I’ve been trying to do some “googling” of Amanda’s special Olympic song, but haven’t had any luck finding it yet – it gave me shivers and made me proud to be Canadian! I think you’d love the song, so once I find it I will let you know!

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