New Contract

Have you been reading about my references to my new contract and had no idea what I was talking about? I wanted to update you on where in the world I’ve been spending my days.

I’m currently doing an amazing contract at Lethbridge College as the Health Program Coordinator for Allied Health & Wellness. My portfolio consists of about 15 unique sections that cover everything from EMS to Unit Clerk Training, LC LOGOcommunity workshops to First Aid & CPR training, and even supporting the Nursing Refresher program. I work directly with phenomenal instructors and have had an overwhelming amount of support and assistance. I’m on a steep learning curve, but am embracing the opportunity to learn new skills and broaden my network. I am covering the extended leave for a lady, so its a perfect length for me to step outside my comfort zone.

If you keep doing, what you’re doing – you’re going to keep getting the same results. I had got stuck in a rut and was looking for an exciting challenge to add to my resume. I knew that I needed to do something out of the ordinary to move toward more of my life goals and business milestones.

This position has been a fabulous chance for me to develop 2 skills in specific that I’ve been wanting to master (that might be a long shot – improve would be a fabulous start!).

Routine – I’m a very spontaneous person! Surprising, I know ;) I love being able to pick up and do anything – whenever I want. Well that can also be dangerous!! I get sidetracked easily and that affects my time management. To my family and friends surprise – I’m enjoying a routine and have been experiencing much more productive. There is never a dull moment in my day and I’m still fly by the seat of my pants to tackle all of the fun and obstacles that come my way.

Time Management – I get up even more excited to tackle each new day. I now kick off my morning getting all dressed up – which is different than my comfy clothes and even PJ’s I’ve sported in my home office for years. I LOVE wearing my business clothes and fabulous shoes more. I work in power sessions now – so that I can accomplish my personal entrepreneurial goals.

Taking this contract until February, has allowed John and I to realize additional, consistent (so different than being self-employed!) income for a couple months. However – the best reward thus far, has been the personal growth and balance I’ve experienced. I know that God provided me this priceless experience for a reason.

It hasn’t been all head down butt up – I’ve had lots of fun too! I decided that participating in the Lethbridge Whoop-Up Days Parade would be a unique way to gain free publicity for our programs. So I took one morning with my coworker Morgan and drove our EMS training ambulance in the convoy!

RobynLCAmbulance LCAmbulance

I’m grateful that I can still build my Arbonne business, move Copper West forward, and have an amazing marriage alongside this contract. Those with a full schedule get more done, I truly believe.

I’m loving life even more. When you love what you do – you never work another day in your life!

As a couple that encourage one another to strive for more, we live by the motto “When you stop learning, you stop living.”

What new skills are YOU learning today?


  1. Again you tackle another project. What am I learning currently – problem how to combine my creative side with business. In my new position I am at more of a management level. It is amazing how much of your day can be quickly filled with meetings and telephone calls – usually not so creative. That means I work extra hard to get these tasks done in a timely manner so I will have time to work on photography and video for my clients! You always learn lots about yourself and get to develop further from new challenges.

  2. The ‘It hasn’t been all head down butt up –’ is killer! You are so charasmatic-I love to hear about your adventures–they brighten my day.


  3. I would like to see pictures of these stunning business suit outfits and clothes, please!! :) I take my fashion tips from you, you know!

  4. So inspirational, Robyn!! Lately I’ve been trying to learn the skill of just simply being able to approach people through my business with more confidence, instead of pre-judging and thinking that they must feel like I’m “bothering” them with something. But finally I realized, how are my customers supposed to know certain things if I don’t approach them and tell them? So that’s been my challenge and I feel I am slowly making some progress at it! :) Keep up with the great inspiration!

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