Your Remedy

Hope everyone is in phenomenal health and spirit!H1N1

The media and pharmaceutical companies are having a ball with the flu outbreak. Enough with the negative energy – I’d love to gather tips and positive thoughts from everyone to overcome everything going on around us.

What do you and your family do to stay healthy? Any secrets that you can share?

Our biggest secret is positive energy & thoughts and a few other tricks, work for us.

John’s auctioning career, requires him to have a voice and sound throat all the time. He drinks warm tea between shifts. Whenever he feels a bug trying to attack when at home – he takes a shot of warmed up whiskey with honey! Funny Texan tradition – I’m convinced.

If I start to feel a sore throat coming on, I pop a couple of Arbonne’s Get Well Soon tablets. I also try and sweat out any “negative” cells through hot baths and showers! I say out loud and constantly to myself – I’m healthy and feel amazing!

In the Beazley household – you’re only allowed a 24 hour pity party. That’s all I’m allowed to feel sorry for myself. After that – it’s all mental – get up off the couch – positive affirmations will turn your illness around. If I’m really lucky – my sweet husband will make me chicken noodle soup and possibly a grilled cheese sandwich. He he – soul food for the healing.

How do you stay healthy? What have you been recommended for fighting flu/cold? Do you have a favorite recipe or family remedy?

Please comment!

I’d love your tips to share in my November Arbonne newsletter.


  1. Some one actually suggested this to me today, since there is some sickness going around our office – open your windows and let your house air out. Now I know in winter weather that can be a little challenging, but we have some awesome fall like days right now. I think we need to get some fresh air moving!

  2. Awesome ideas Robyn and Crystal! I also enjoy warm drinks if I feel a bug coming on and I really think Crystal’s idea of fresh air is a GREAT idea! Sometimes I open the window in my office – helps me refresh and not feel so stuffy.

    Sleep is one of the biggest ones for me – I realize it’s a no-brainer, but I have to have my sleep in order to feel positive, happy and healthy.

    I also use a lot of hand-sanitizer and Lysol wipes – can’t go anywhere without them! It helps me feel like I’m at least helping to prevent the spread of my germs and helping me combat and diminish any germs I might be picking up!

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