Mysterious Ways

Do you ever get the inclination that you should do something and you have no idea why?

Well…I get them all the time and love acting on them. Remember that everything happens for a reason.

I live my life serving God. Everything I do is for him and everything I have is to serve him with. I trust that you have someone with you also – taking every step through life together.

This morning on my way to work, a wonderful friend popped into my mind and I had no idea why. I knew I needed to contact her.

I sent a simple text message:


I got a tear in my eye when I received her response:


I sent my text message to make my friend smile, not so that I’d cry from her unbelievable reply. Live life sharing positive energy – for no other reason than to serve a higher purpose in life. I’m so lucky to have friends that are walking the same path as me as a Christian.

One of my other beautiful friends shared the following thought with her network on Facebook last week, as her status update. I thought it was so gorgeous and perfect for sharing to support this example of God’s work. Thanks for empowering me Kattie.

“Smile…you never know who is being reminded that there is hope because of something so small. You are a gift that God has made, live everyday with purpose and intention!” Kattie


  1. Thank you for posting this. A nice reminder for me.

    Prayer has helped me see that Papa may be very sick but someone may need him up there more then we do. Having him suffer isn’t fair and we have been so blessed to have had him for a wonderful 82 years.

    Thank you for the things you do and say on facebook Robyn, your a amazing inspiration.

    Love Tamara

  2. You are so beautiful Tamara. I can only imagine the emotions you’re going through. Keep praying and believing babe. Thank you for your friendship and encouragement – you, Nolan, and Kashton are blessing in our life.

  3. for a minute there I thought God texted you.

    Thanks for the reminder. I think of connecting with people & its too late at night. I’ll crawl into bed & do some encouraging texting. Thanks again,


  4. Thanks for the material and your gorgeous friendship Jamie ;)

    Shelagh – you crack me up!! Look forward to hearing about your late night texts – he he…

  5. That’s amazing Robyn! We are all so lucky to have you in our lives!

  6. I’m the lucky one – to have all of you as friends. Thanks for your kind comments Justine.

  7. What a great blog, Robyn! You’re so awesome and always thinking about everyone else and how you can brighten their day! You’re the best! :)

  8. I love following your blog as well Tiffany!! Thanks for your sweet comment. Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving!!

  9. I know it’s really late to comment on this post, but it was too beautiful not to comment! You’re an amazing person Robyn – I realize I barely know you yet I feel like I’ve known you for years! I remember how special I felt when you called me on my birthday – that meant the world to me and completely made my day! You’re the best!

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