Day 1: 12 Days of Christmas Challenge

I’m always up for a challenge, so when I saw this 12 Days of Christmas themed one – I jumped in! My understanding is that a blogger named Ally and her friend Molly created this idea. Check out Ally’s website for all the details.

Day 1: Christmas/Holiday traditions

As I was growing up, we would alternate our Christmas and Boxing Day (Canadian holiday on Dec 26) with my grandparents. Then in junior high, we started spending every Christmas Day at my parents. We’d continue to wake up early in the morning to see what Santa brought!

Once I started dating my husband, we alternated between spending the holidays in Alberta or Texas. We’ve also been trying to gift “experiences” instead of material items to our loved ones.For example, last Christmas while in Texas – we took John’s parents and grandparents out for supper, to the symphony, and up Reunion Tour for dessert after!

With a new chapter of our life nearing, I know that we’ll start creating our own traditions!

One of my fondest memories of the Holidays – was playing spoons with my Grandma and cousins. You would always come away with new war wounds from scratches to bruises. I definitely used to leap across the table if it was necessary to fight over a spoon. The rules were that you always had to remove all jewelry – watches, rings, earrings, necklaces – anything that could be broke or ripped off you! I may have to initiate a game of spoons this festive season.

What Christmas/Holiday traditions do you have?



  1. So funny you posted this….I saw this Christmas challenge yesterday and automatically thought of you! Remember when you tried to convince the boys to steal you the big Christmas Countdown sign from Wal-Mart in college? :)

  2. A few traditions that I fondly think of is that we’d get to open our only gift from our parents on Christmas Eve which was pj’s so we’d look nice for pictures the next morning. All other gifts came from Santa. If we were having Christmas morning with my cousins, we had to line up youngest to oldest and that was the order that we ran into the room to see what Santa had brought (I just so happen to be the youngest so it worked great in my favour)

  3. One of our Christmas traiditions is an Elf named PEEK. He arrives at our house on November 1 and lives in our clock. This is how Santa knows if you have been naughty or nice! PPeek now delivers Advent calanders to our daughters each December 1. Even though they are in the 20’s they still want their calenders. We have been doing this for 22 years.
    P.S. – With you and John starting your family, you should borrow favorite traditions.

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