
I adding an image to my Dream Board today!

This picture…

My husband calls my office a disaster zone. You probably would too (if you’re a Type A personality) OR maybe you can relate!?

This is what it looks like TODAY – yikes! I’ve never claimed to be perfect and never will…just to clarify ;)

You may recall that 10 months ago, I blogged about my Home Office AND shared my dream of having a glass door on my office! My fantastic office remains the only room in our home that is out of control. I’ve been attracting the skills and mindset to keep my amazing home office CLEAN! It’s very much a work in progress…

Nearly a year ago, I envisioned seeing John while I was working in my home office. However, my WHY has changed…with our first bundle of joy on route! I want and WILL continue being a career woman – sharing my passion for life, WHILE being present in my son and husband’s life during the day! I now envision getting a few things done in my office in the nooks & crannies of my day, while my son is entertained on the other side of the French Door.

Don’t get me wrong – I don’t plan to continue being the workaholic I am AND make my kid self entertain outside my beautiful french door. BUT we all know the phone will ring and this way – I can still SEE my son – while answering it! OR even witness John play with my son while knocking a few action steps out, when he is home!

I am hoping you’ll help hold me accountable – to hang this door on my office BEFORE Baby Beazley arrives!

Which means that I need to practice and prove to John for a few weeks, that I CAN and WILL keep this space clean enough to see the space daily – even when the door is closed.

MY Goal/Affirmation – It is February 1, 2011 and I am sitting in my clean & organized home office. It met John’s very strict specifications! Now it is March 1, 2011 and have KEPT my workspace clean! I’m off to BUY the french door & HANG IT!!

Do you have a Dream Board? If so, are you constantly adding to it?

Live Inspired,

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