Give Something Away!

Do you like getting something for FREE? Or to try before buying? I do!

During the Super Bowl 2009, Denny’s ran a VERY clever advertising campaign on the US television stations (Canadians wouldn’t have been able to see it unfortunately)! Denny’s promoted that they were giving away a FREE Grand Slam to everyone on Tuesday from 6am-2pm (2 days after the big football game!). If you’d like to relive these ads, search YouTube! You may be thinking, well that’s dumb – how much would that have cost them?

WELL – if you’re a positive thinker and believe that the glass is half full, not empty – you’ll recognize that this strategy was BRILLIANT! Pancakes and eggs are quite cheap compared to a national advertising plan in hopes of reaching your ideal marketing. On a side note, did you know that on each given day, a person on average sees 5000 different brands/advertisements (I learned this fact at the Wizard of Ads Seminar) – you have to set yourself apart from the competitors!

HOW much would you pay to get clients to become one of your clients for the FIRST time? If you treat them right, they will keep coming back right? AND probably tell all their friends about your fabulous customer service!

WHAT can you GIVEAWAY for free? Do you offer a service that doesn’t cost you anything but your time? For example, if you’re a vet or a graphic designer – you could offer a free service for clients to experience what YOU offer! If this isn’t your case, what product could you giveaway that is tangible that says your name/brand on it? You have to GIVE up, to GO up! Keep the price point down, because it’s more about a kind, thoughtful gesture than to cost you your left leg. If you’re looking for ideas or require more information on what type of giveaway I’m referring to, contact me and I’ll help you brainstorm!

I dare you to give something away – to help you increase your sales!

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