Spring Hat Luncheon

Hey divas!  I hope you’ll be able to attend a fabulous event on Sunday, March 8th in Edmonton, AB!  A women in agriculture group that I helped launch is hitting off 2009, with a fun luncheon in honor of International Women’s Day!  Please check out the picture below and visit www.agelle.com for more details!  Look… Continue reading Spring Hat Luncheon


Valentines 2009

Every day is Valentines in our household ;)He he… my husband and I love to celebrate life all the time. We love to open up a bottle and toast to whatever day of the week it is or the small successes and joys of life!  “Here’s to Saturday!” was what we said on Valentines ;)… Continue reading Valentines 2009


Create amazing relationships!

The success of your business has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the people in your life! We all do business with those we know, like and trust. Treat everyone in your life with respect, because you never know who you’ll do business with OR who they will refer you to! I recently… Continue reading Create amazing relationships!


Starting a blog!

I am a personal development junkie – enjoy books & workshops! When you stop learning, you stop living! I plan to write & publish a book one day and would love to be a motivational speaker. I’m going to begin my quest to share my Robynisms – by starting this blog!
