New Contract

Have you been reading about my references to my new contract and had no idea what I was talking about? I wanted to update you on where in the world I’ve been spending my days. I’m currently doing an amazing contract at Lethbridge College as the Health Program Coordinator for Allied Health & Wellness. My… Continue reading New Contract


Preparing my Signature

I’ve been working a lot on my “signature speech” for my upcoming speaking engagements this fall! Anytime the creative juices start flowing – I focus all my energy on writing, practicing, and visualizing what the final product is going to look like. I work in multiple places, wherever I’m comfortable and focused! The amazing pink iPod my sweet friends gave me, has… Continue reading Preparing my Signature



My friend Louise and I try to get together every month to discuss our personal and business adventures. Louise and I met a few years ago – when our Passion Parties careers crossed paths. A year ago, I made the difficult decision to finish that chapter of my life and focus on my Arbonne business. Despite being part of different… Continue reading W.I.N.E.


Fashion Show

A year ago I was learning everything I could about producing a Fashion Show. I wanted Copper West (site still has last years info – we’re relaunching with revised concept shortly!) to feature one that would showcase the exhibitors clothing and accessories! This was one of the first videos I watched – I was speechless and fell in… Continue reading Fashion Show


Virtual Socializing

It blows my hair back imagining what the future has in store for us! I’ve been so blessed by the new and renewed relationships I’ve developed since email, then MySpace, Facebook, and even on Twitter. I love how Susan Poirier from Ace Concierge, LLC explained this phenomena (I subscribe to her ezine and love the… Continue reading Virtual Socializing
